Thursday, March 7, 2013

In general staying safe sounds hard. now, im not telling you to go outside with bubble rap armor and flat soccer balls, no. not that sorta safe. Its not good to tell people ANYTHING about you, or your friends, or your mother, no one, no how, no buts, no where. Let me tell you how dangerous the internet it. Now that websites like Coolbuddy, or hoodamath, basically websites created at peoples homes have started popping up on the internet, people have been kid napped. how? Basically, if you tell someone on a chatroom that you created a website at home, they will automatically know you have a device called a Modem. this device helps you connect to the internet. Basically, by hacking, the predator can use the space satellite and reverse the connection to your Modem, and BAM, they can track your Modems every location. So if it is in your home, they will put themselfs out of there way to get to you. Imagine this (Keep in mind this isnt real)

                                                               Didnt have a name so put this has entered chat.

Didnt have a name so put this: hi

Vinnie: Hi... who are you

Didnt have a name so put this: Your stalker

Vinnie: Your what-er?

Didnt have a name so put this: Doesnt matter. Oh does your dad still own that house in Salt Lake City?


Didnt have a name so put this: I didnt at first.

Vinnie: oh thats stupid

Didnt have a name so put this: But effective

Vinnie: Well thank god i dont live there anymore

Didnt have a name so put this: Really? you just said you live there.

Vinnie: No i didnt

Didnt have a name so put this: go up in the chat and look.

Vinnie: ... aww im screwed.

Didnt have a name so put this: Yes... yes you are.

You See, even if Vinnie had reacted differently, Didnt have a name so put this would still know where he lived using his Modem. Later on, Vinnie went to his parrents and told them what had happened. they said they would talk to the police. A few months later, they had to move out of Utah. But its not just that, If you tell someone your name, if you haev a social networking account, they can find out alot like where you live, your school, basically saying, dont put those down either, if anyone askes you for your email password, there a predator. EVEN IF ITS AN ADVERTISEMENT, Its a hoax. If you dont know what an Email password is, its how the internet knows its you and lets you send emails. So if you give that to people, they can take your friends, they can send spam to people, get you kicked off, they can check your previous emails, composed by you or not, they can find your address, your name, basically everything.

In Conclusion,

Be safe on the internet. Its not a dangerous place if you do not give out ANY personal information, of any kind. no matter if you think they are nice, your best friend, people may go for years trying to get you to fall for there utter lies. now im not one to say you cant talk to other people, just dont tell them your info. even if they tell you theres. its not safe. unless you use your brain. we were given it for a reason. Think about what your doing before you do it.

  Thank you for reading.

      John Doe

(Post Script: John doe isnt my real name. so i dont have to worry.)


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